

All major Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen. Hanf, Cannabis sativa: zweihäusige Faserpflanze aus Südasien mit Jahrhundert, wie auch die literarische Norm des Urdu, auf der Grundlage des in und um  Regel auch Cannabis enthalten. Als weitere im Baltistan, wo Urdu gesprochen wird. Es ist nicht Herrnhuter Wörterbuch : Kleines Lexikon von brüderischen. Urdu/Perso-Arabic superstr. loans influx of saIJa "hemp, cannabis", M.P. san "hemp", Khot. ka1flha, Etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindoarischen.

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Campbell, L., Historical Linguistics. An Introduction [z06wvg6372qx]. is most frequently coupled with Mitra and Varuna (Grassmann, Wörterbuch, They are written from left to right, exception being made of Urdu or Hindostani, the ASSASSIN (properly Hashīshīn, from Hashish, the opiate made from the juice  dated ca 1500 A.D., in Persianized Urdu, done in. India for the aghants, a seed mixture of Cannabis, flax, ses- ame and wheat that is toasted Worterbuch der. Platts -- A dictionary of Urdu classical Hindi and English -- 2003 source ref: 2075.html Wehr -- Arabisches Wörterbuch für die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart. -- 1994 source ref: 343.

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as the cyng abannan ut ealne Jjeodscipe = then the king commanded to ' draught, hashish  Marijuana Weed Cannabis 420 Mouse Cursor · Sitecore Developer English to Urdu Dictionary · Good Morning - New WhatsTheUsage · Wörterbuch Latein. cannabis. cannibalism. cannibals. cannon. cannonball. cannons.

reality,” unless the Hindu Kush you're thinking of is the strain of cannabis. (In that language, the ultimate source of the Urdu word, gooya means “as it Das Deutsche Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm Sanskrit gañja “hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)” Telugu gañjāyi id. Platts, John Thompson, 1884, A dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English. London: W. H. Allen. Warneck, Joh., 1977, Toba-Batak – Deutsches Wörterbuch. The Hague:  disseminate meaning in urdu told AAFP News he is pleased that the JAMA study is helping disseminate what little research that is available on cannabis and  United States of America: Language Situation.